Best Home Remedies To Remove Skin Tags Fast

Best Home Remedies To Remove Skin Tags Fast

Many people find skin tags tiny soft benign growths on the skin bothersome. Although innocuous they may be irritating and have lower self esteem. Luckily some home methods may remove skin tags swiftly and safely. This post will discuss the best ways to remove these annoying growths without professional help.


Tea Tree Oil

Melaleuca alternifolia leaves provide tea tree oil which is highly antibacterial and anti inflammatory. Traditional medicine has used tea tree oil to treat skin disorders including skin tags. When applied topically tea tree oil dries out skin tags which shrink and fall off.

Apply a cotton swab in tea tree oil to remove the skin tag from the region. Carefully cleanse the skin before application to avoid irritation. Repeat this two to three times a day until the skin tag disappears. To prevent side effects a patch test should be performed before using tea tree oil which is safe for most people.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another popular home cure for fast and efficient skin tag removal. Acidic substances break down skin tag tissues shrinking and falling off over time. Additionally apple cider vinegar has antibacterial qualities that may prevent infection during removal.

Apply a cotton ball to apple cider vinegar to remove skin tags. Wrap the cotton ball in a bandage or medical tape and leave it overnight. Due to its firm acidity apple cider vinegar should be diluted with water before application to avoid skin irritation or burning. Those with sensitive skin may also choose a gentler option.


Banana Peel

Banana peels are said to remove skin tags naturally. Enzymes and acids in banana peels destroy skin tags and heal surrounding skin. This approach has little scientific backing yet many swear by it. Cut a tiny piece of peel from a ripe banana and apply it over the skin tag ensuring the inner side is in touch with the afflicted region.

Cover the peel with a bandage or medical tape overnight. Repeat nightly until the skin tag disappears. Banana peels are safe to use topically but watch for irritation or allergic reactions. Discontinue usage and see a doctor if irritation develops.



Garlic is a culinary staple and a powerful natural cure for skin concerns including skin tags. Allicin is an antiviral antifungal and antibacterial. When used topically garlic may reduce skin tags and prevent infection. Smash a clove of garlic to release its juices and apply it to the skin tag.

Leave the garlic bandaged or taped overnight. Repeat nightly until the skin tag shrinks and slips off. Garlic is typically safe for topical application although some may experience irritation or burning. Before using garlic in a broader skin region do a patch test and dilute it with a carrier oil.


Dandelion Juice

In addition to removing skin tags dandelions have significant health advantages. Dandelion juice contains antioxidants and nutrients that may break down skin tag tissues and repair surrounding skin. To remove skin tags apply fresh dandelion stem or leaf juice straight to the afflicted region. Rinse the juice with lukewarm water when it dries.

Repeat twice or three times daily until the skin tag disappears. Dandelion juice is acceptable for topical application but you must use pesticide free dandelions. Anyone allergic to Asteraceae species like ragweed should also avoid dandelion products.


Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is known for nourishing and repairing skin. When used directly on skin tags it may hydrate, soften and help them come off naturally. Puncture a vitamin E pill and apply the oil on the skin tag to remove it. Fully absorb the oil by gently massaging it into the skin.

Repeat twice or three times a day until the skin tag shrinks and detaches. Vitamin E oil is safe for topical application but pick a high quality pure oil to prevent additions and impurities. Before widespread usage sensitive skinned people should patch compatibility tests.


Castor Oil

Castor oil has many medical uses and has been used for ages. It includes ingredients that break down skin tags and aid natural removal. Castor oil also moisturizes and soothes skin. Small amounts of castor oil should be applied directly to the skin tag and massaged gently.

Leave a bandage or medical tape on overnight. Repeat nightly until the skin tag shrinks and vanishes. Castor oil is safe for topical application but selecting a high quality cold pressed oil maximizes efficacy. To prevent side effects sensitive skinned people should patch tests before usage.


Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera treats many skin diseases including skin tags due to its calming and healing characteristics. Its gel contains enzymes that break down skin tag tissues and speed skin healing. Extract the gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf and apply it to the skin tag to remove it. After massaging the gel into the skin, hide the area with a dressing.

Wear it overnight and wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning. Do this every day until the skin tag disappears. Most people can safely use aloe vera gel. However to prevent chemicals and impurities you must use pure organic aloe vera gel. Before using aloe vera gel those with Liliaceae allergies such as onions or garlic should patch test.


Pineapple Juice

Bromelain enzymes in pineapple juice are anti-inflammatory and exfoliating. When used to treat skin tags pineapple juice helps break down growing tissues and speed healing. Apply pineapple juice from fresh pineapple slices to the distressed region with a cotton ball or swab to remove skin tags. Rinse the juice with lukewarm water when it dries.

Repeat twice or three times a day until the skin tag shrinks and comes off. Fresh pineapple juice is suitable for topical application however canned or processed juice may include additives or preservatives.

Before widespread usage sensitive skinned people should patch compatibility tests.


Onion Juice

Besides being a cooking staple, onions contain chemicals that help remove skin tags. The antioxidants and acids in onion juice break down skin tag tissues and repair surrounding skin. Apply fresh onion juice to the afflicted region utilizing a cotton ball or swab to remove skin tags.

When the juice dries, rinse it with lukewarm water. Repeat twice or three times a day until the skin tag shrinks and comes off. While onion juice is typically acceptable for topical application you must use fresh juice and not be sensitive to onions. Before widespread usage sensitive skinned people should patch compatibility tests.


Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense essential oil made from Boswellia tree resin has been used medicinally for millennia. Its ingredients reduce skin tags and repair the surrounding skin. Dilute a few drops of frankincense essential oil with coconut or olive oil and utilize it directly to skin tags.

Cover the area with a bandage after massaging the oil into the skin. Wear it overnight and wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning. Do this every day until the skin tag disappears.



These homemade methods remove skin tags swiftly and safely. From natural oils like tea tree and castor oil to culinary mainstays like garlic and onion juice there are many possibilities for different tastes and sensitivities. These methods use pineapple juice bromelain enzymes or aloe vera gel to remove skin tags without professional help. With patience and consistency people may gain confidence and comfort in their looks by getting smoother blemish free skin.